It takes more than just the ability to understand two languages.

Professional translators and 口译员 have the education, 经验, and expertise to understand the nuances in one language and transfer them to another. The right professional will have solid knowledge of your industry and will know how to culturally adapt your content for the target audience you are trying to reach. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so make sure it counts.



你不能不这么做. Getting your message wrong can cost money, ruin your image, and even cost lives. Whether you’re having a multimillion-dollar advertising campaign translated or need an interpreter to communicate treatment options between a doctor and patient, it pays to hire a professional to get the job done right.

而不是雇佣专业人士, this restaurant used machine translation and did not realize the result was an error message.


ATA publishes articles to illustrate why it is critical to hire qualified translators and 口译员.

VRI vs VSI Interpreting: A Guide for Language Service Users

By ATA指南针 | 2024年9月11日

文/ Jennifer Nielsen Today, 提供语言访问服务, whether through document translation or interpretation services, is no longer just a luxury; they are often required by law or in the best interest of an organization’s bottom line, making effective communication more important than ever. 随着企业扩大其全球影响力, educational institutions embrace diverse student bodies, 医疗服务提供者提供…


Guide to Buying Translation Services, Part II: Working with a Translator

By ATA指南针 | 2024年9月2日

This is the second article in a series of articles introducing the 永利登录网址’s Guide to Buying Translations Services, which was created to help those in need of translation services find the best provider for their project and work efficiently with the chosen translation provider. 完整的指南请点击这里.   Working with a Translator Properly preparing to work…


Guide to Buying Translation Services, Part I: Finding and Choosing a Translator

By ATA指南针 | 2024年8月1日

This is the first article in a series of articles introducing the 永利登录网址’s Guide to Buying Translations Services, which was created to help those in need of translation services find the best provider for their project and work efficiently with the chosen translation provider. 完整的指南请点击这里.   Translators help power the global economy, working with…



By ATA指南针 | 2024年7月3日

By Meghan McCallum When it comes to your marketing strategy, it’s important that your content speaks to as many people as possible. A powerful way to achieve this is to ensure that you use inclusive language. Translating your messages into other languages is a great way to make them more accessible. But knowing your audience and speaking to them in…


Demystifying the Difference Between Simplified Chinese vs. 繁体中文 

By ATA指南针 | 2024年6月27日

简体中文vs .简体中文. 繁体中文,普通话vs. Cantonese⏤there are plenty of myths and misconceptions when it comes to the Chinese language. Many such misconceptions even persist in the language services industry, where seasoned language services providers (LSPs) make factual mistakes that they could avoid with a little more knowledge (and asking the right questions). 其中一个误解是:……


How to build digital accessibility into your products and services

By ATA指南针 | 2024年5月9日

Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day by eliminating linguistic barriers! By Gosia Wheeler May 16, 2024, marks the 13th Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). 世界各地, 法律, 医疗, and scientific organizations along with governments, 大学, and businesses will host events to get everyone talking, 思考, 学习数字访问和包容.  你的企业是否尽到了自己的责任? 继续阅读…



ATA members have a commitment to continuing education and are held to the highest professional standards. Feel secure knowing if you’re hiring an ATA member, you’re hiring the best in the business.


ATA plays a crucial role in helping members pursue the knowledge and skills necessary to help clients reach their goals. 通过他们在ATA的成员资格, translators and 口译员 signal the importance they place on professional education in the service of their clients.


ATA members share a commitment to the ethical business practices that hold their services accountable to the highest possible standards. ATA's 职业道德和职业责任守则 is the basis for a member's honest, 保密, 负责与客户的互动.


ATA’s 语言服务目录 is the largest of its kind in the world. It’s free to use and lets you customize a search for translators, 口译员, 以及符合你要求的公司.


When you are committed to quality, the language professional you need is an ATA member.


Our outreach publication provides up-to-date information and resources about the translating and interpreting industry.



翻译负责写作. 口译员说话. ATA帮助您找到合适的语言专业人员.



There are times when machine translation is useful, and times when it's not. Learn when to use Google Translate, and when to hire a professional.
